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The Castellum spirit

Some people refer to it as our culture, others as our core values or even our personality. We call it the Castellum spirit. It guides our conduct towards our customers, each other and the surrounding world. And it leads us towards our vision: Beyond expectations.


We are passionate about doing business. We are customer-focused and we keep our promises. Business-mindedness includes both innovation and long-term thinking. Our customer relations often last years, sometimes several decades. It takes extra care and reflection to develop and improve our offering. We aim to have and maintain the most satisfied customers and the most skilled colleagues. The result is business-minded and sustainable relationships.


We are dedicated to our mission and we support each other. Being committed means being caring, proactive and never complacent. We have fun at work and always aim to do things a little better. Make customers a little more satisfied, our colleagues a little prouder and the world around us a little more impressed. We do this by jointly taking responsibility for our relationships and actions.


We dare to be innovative and we develop sustainable solutions that exceed expectations. Being courageous means questioning things and changing them for the better. It means refusing to sit back and wait for someone else to solve the problems. We do this by challenging ourselves, our customers, each other and the world around us. We are curious and open, and we dare to go first.

Castellum as an employer

An open corporate culture

It’s important for us that our employees feel included and appreciated. We want to encourage everyone to grow and be themselves. Diversity, equality and inclusion are natural to us. We know that people who feel well perform well, so we take care of our employees’ health and well-being.



Common values

The Castellum spirit guides our conduct towards tenants, each other and the surrounding world, thus creating clarity about our direction and goals. The Castellum spirit is based on our common values and our views on how to go about achieving our vision. Ongoing dialogue about expectations and feedback helps our employees to grow and perform well.

Securing the right expertise

The industry is developing rapidly, and for Castellum to be able to help shape the everyday life of the future, work is constantly underway to secure the right expertise, develop employees to meet new challenges and attract new expertise.

Successful collaboration

By focusing on our employees’ strengths, we aim to develop the best in each individual, which in turn makes Castellum successful. All employees at Castellum work together to create a common culture and successful collaboration that goes beyond expectations.

A committed employer

Coaching, clear goals and continuous feedback

Leadership at Castellum is based on coaching, clear goals and continuous feedback, and we believe that maintaining an ongoing dialogue between employees and leaders is crucial to employees’ engagement at work.

We also aim to detect warning signals in the organisation as early as possible in order to take appropriate measures. For this reason, we measure our employees’ engagement and well-being every three months to monitor trends and identify our strengths and areas where we can improve.

Two people standing by a table.

Towards the same goals

At Castellum we’re all aiming for the same goals. Collaboration and teamwork are crucial to our success and profitability. Our employees can earn an annual bonus based on how well we achieve our established goals together.

A popular team-building activity is our annual Castellum Day, where the whole Group meets to learn new things, share experiences and, above all, have fun.

An attractive employer

The ability to attract qualified, gifted employees and to retain and nurture talent is crucial for Castellum’s development. In 2023, 30 per cent (21) of all new positions were filled by internal candidates. Proportion of new employees were 10 per cent (12), and proportion of leavers 7 per cent (12).”  
